Hier findet ihr alle bisherigen Teilnehmer bei Project Make-up und die Links zu ihren Looks:
Aileen - http://ameisenschloss.blogspot.de/
"Chocolate Time", "Süße Früchtchen", "A Man's World", "Pin-up", "Ugly", "Disney", "Girls on Fire"
Alenija - http://alenija.blogspot.com/
"All Around Ocean/Unterwasserwelten"
Amanda - http://amandarox-fw.blogspot.de/
"Pin-up", "Hollywood"
Anemone_nemorosa - http://anemonexnemorosa.blogspot.com/
Angi - http://beautyofangels.blogspot.de/
"Polka Dots"
Angie - http://angielicious-beauty.blogspot.com/
Angie - https://www.facebook.com/AngiesMakeUpArt
Anika - http://www.niekaah.de/
"Eiszeit/Ice Age", "Paint Your Lips"
Anja - http://anjetschka.blogspot.com/
"Grasgrün/Grass-green","Movie Legends"
Anja - http://zessinluftschloss.blogspot.com/
"Flower Power"
Anna - http://cosmeticallyjunkfood.blogspot.com/
"Federleicht", "Discofever", "Robots & Future", "Süße Früchtchen"
Annett - http://kuhlchikkmakeup.blogspot.com/
"Schmetterlinge/Butterflies","Sweet as a Peach", "Alice in Wonderland", "Movie Legends", "As Black As The Night", "Candy Shop", "Eiszeit/Ice Age", "Good Girl Gone Bad"
Apanathi - http://apanathi.blogspot.com/
"Wildes Afrika"
Ariane - http://thmp3.blogspot.com/
"Good Girl Gone Bad"
Bärbel - http://baerbelborn.blogspot.com/
"Grasgrün/Grass-green","Sweet as a Peach", "Alice in Wonderland", "Geisha", "Flower Power", "Cat Eyes"
Betty - http://bettybowvintage.blogspot.de/
bia - http://erdbeerhonig.blogspot.com/
"Feenstaub/Feenzauber", "Pink Flash"
Carmen - http://www.chamy.rockt.es/
"Christmas", "Cat Eyes"
Caro - http://beauty-zeugs-mit-caro.blogspot.com/
"Good Girl Gone Bad", "All Around Ocean/Unterwasserwelten", "Cupcakes", "Feenstaub/Feenzauber"
Caro - http://nothingwithoutchocii.blogspot.com/
"Feenstaub/Feenzauber", "Pink Flash", "Discofever"
Caro - http://pullerliese.blogspot.com/
"Pink Flash"
Charlie - http://kuenstlichgesicht.blogspot.com/
"Be My Toy"
Christine - http://www.beautymango.de/
Cini - http://cakeliciouss.blogspot.com/
"Robots & Future"
Claudia - http://claudi-ja.blogspot.com
"Halloween", "Marshmallows", "Paint Your Lips"
Coki*M - http://couturenouvelle.blogspot.com/
"Candy Shop"
Conny - http://milchschokis-beautyecke.blogspot.com/
"Ägypten/Egypt", "Paint Your Lips", "All Around Ocean/Unterwasserwelten", "Wildes Afrika", "Feenstaub/Feenzauber", "Federleicht", "Discofever", "Robots & Future", "A Man's World", "Pin-up", "Black & White", "Girls on Fire"
Constanze - http://maedels2.blogspot.com/
"Mythical Creatures"
Crissy - http://chatroomcrissy.blogspot.com/
"Orient", "Paint Your Lips", "All Around Ocean/Unterwasserwelten"
Daniela - http://aufeinetassetee.blogspot.com/
"Eiszeit/Ice Age", "Christmas", "Cat Eyes", "All Around Ocean/Unterwasserwelten"
Denni - http://t3sttheb3st.blogspot.com/
Diana - http://eis-konfekt.blogspot.de/
Diana - http://headlessandhappy.blogspot.com/
"Pink Flash"
Dio - http://diezauberhafteweltdercarmen.blogspot.co.at/
Ela - http://madleng.blogspot.com/
"Rainbow Time","Alice in Wonderland", "Movie Legends", "Circus, Circus!", "Eiszeit/Ice Age", "Orient", "Ägypten/Egypt", "Paint Your Lips"
Elphie - http://lookingforfreeeedom.blogspot.com/
"Halloween", "Be My Toy"
Emily van der Hell - http://emily-van-der-hell.blogspot.com/
"Alice in Wonderland","Geisha", "Mythical Creatures", "Eiszeit/Ice Age"
Ennys Cat Eyes - http://ennys-cat-eyes.blogspot.com/
Fee - http://fashionfee.blogspot.com/
"Rainbow Time","Alice in Wonderland", "Movie Legends", "Circus, Circus!"
Fio - http://fioswelt.blogspot.de/
Franziska - http://franziundfranzi.blogspot.com/
"Paint Your Lips"
"Cupcakes", "Feenstaub/Feenzauber", "Pink Flash", "Federleicht", "Discofever", "Robots & Future"
"Be My Toy"
Geri - http://sweetcherry11.blogspot.com/
"Harajuku", "Pin-up", "Ugly"
HennaPrincezz - http://hennaprincezz.over-blog.de/
Ida - http://itstimetosparkle.blogspot.de/
"Chocolate Time"
Isa - http://unlike-girl.blogspot.com/
"Harajuku", "Süße Früchtchen", "Pin-up", "Hollywood", "Crazy", "Disney"
Izzy - http://izzys-makeup.blogspot.com/
Jadeblüte - http://jadebluete.blogspot.com/
"Mythical Creatures", "Eiszeit/Ice Age", "Punk and Rock'n'Roll", "Paint Your Lips", "Paint Your Lips", "Good Girl Gone Bad", "All Around Ocean/Unterwasserwelten"
Jasmin - http://new-swan.blogspot.de/
Jen - http://jriceball.blogspot.de/
"Be My Toy", "Feenstaub/Feenzauber", "Disney"
Jennifer - http://mercedescosmetics.blogspot.com/
"Lady Gaga"
Jenny - http://jennylalala.blogspot.com/
"Circus, Circus!"
Ju - http://herzlichwillkommenimchaos.blogspot.com/
"Robots & Future", "Polka Dots"
Jule - http://fairy-arts.blogspot.com/
"Süße Früchtchen", "A Man's World"
Julia - http://des-belles-choses-de-la-vie.blogspot.com/
Julia - http://chocos-powder-puff.blogspot.com/
"Good Girl Gone Bad"
Julia - http://my-beautywonderland.blogspot.de/
Karrie - http://www.mackarrie.com
"Grasgrün/Grass-green","Sweet as a Peach", "Alice in Wonderland", "Geisha", "Movie Legends", "As Black As The Night", "Lady Gaga", "Flower Power", "Eiszeit/Ice Age", "Halloween", "Marshmallows", "Christmas", "Christmas", "Christmas"
Kässi - http://rampfmampf.blogspot.com/
"Wildes Afrika", "Cupcakes"
Kate - http://thedevilswearmakeup.blogspot.com/
"Cat Eyes"
Kathi - http://schokoschiiirmchen.blogspot.com/
Kerstin - http://madamehutch.blogspot.com/
"Sweet as a Peach","Flower Power"
Kirschblüte - http://kirschbluetenblog.blogspot.com/
Laura - http://pineappleprincess89.blogspot.com/
"Alice in Wonderland", "Geisha", "Movie Legends", "As Black As The Night", "Lady Gaga"
Lea - http://ponyrunaway.blogspot.com/
"Movie Legends"
Lena - http://beauty-and-mooore.blogspot.de/
"A Man's World"
Leni - http://www.lovisidesign.de/
Lenn - http://dunkelschoen.blogspot.com/
"Mythical Creatures", "Eiszeit/Ice Age", "Halloween", "Punk and Rock'n'Roll"
Leslie - http://sugarbow.blogspot.com/
"Good Girl Gone Bad"
Lillith - http://lillithsdarktower.blogspot.com/
"Circus, Circus!","Mythical Creatures", "Christmas", "Cat Eyes"
Lily - http://rundum-schoen.blogspot.com/
"Good Girl Gone Bad", "All Around Ocean/Unterwasserwelten"
Lin - http://linlovesbeauty.blogspot.com/
"Pink Flash"
Linda - http://lindchensworld.blogspot.com/
"Good Girl Gone Bad", "Pink Flash"
"Alice in Wonderland"
Lisa - http://www.frauflauschig.de
Lisa - http://ladyscandalous.blogspot.com/
Lisa - http://whitesparrows.de/
"A Man's World"
Lizza - http://lizaakrr.blogspot.com/
Lotte - http://www.glitterallover.wordpress.com/
"Chocolate Time", "Süße Früchtchen", "Pin-up"
Lu - http://www.luziehtan.de
"Maiglöckchen/Lily of the Valley","Sweet as a Peach", "Alice in Wonderland", "Geisha", "Lady Gaga", "Candy Shop", "Flower Power", "Mythical Creatures", "Eiszeit/Ice Age", "Halloween", "Marshmallows", "Christmas", "Ägypten/Egypt", "Good Girl Gone Bad"
Magda - http://www.cutemuffin.world.mu/
"Discofever", "Polka Dots"
Maike - http://instinctivewayoflive.blogspot.com/
"Alice in Wonderland","Geisha", "Flower Power", "Mythical Creatures", "Eiszeit/Ice Age"
Majka - http://majkaswelt.blogspot.com/
"Candy Shop","Orient", "All Around Ocean/Unterwasserwelten", "Wildes Afrika", "Pink Flash", "A Man's World", "Pin-up", "Ugly", "Hollywood", "Disney", "Disney"
Mandy - http://mandyimwunderland.blogspot.com/
"Mythical Creatures"
Marion - http://mylittlefreakshow.wordpress.com/
"Federleicht", "A Man's World", "Ugly", "Ugly"
Marisol - http://la-mia-farfalla.blogspot.de/
"Hollywood", "Crazy"
Mary & Krissii - http://ttcybeauty.blogspot.de/
"Pin-up", "Black & White"
Melanie - http://mmuh.blogspot.com/
"Flower Power","Mythical Creatures", "Eiszeit/Ice Age", "Halloween", "Marshmallows", "Christmas", "Christmas", "Christmas", "Christmas", "Ägypten/Egypt"
Melanie - http://www.mel-et-fel.com/
"All Around Ocean/Unterwasserwelten", "Feenstaub/Feenzauber", "Pink Flash", "Federleicht", "Strawberries", "Discofever", "Robots & Future", "Chocolate Time", "Polka Dots", "Harajuku", "Süße Früchtchen", "A Man's World", "Black & White", "Hollywood", "Crazy", "Disney", "Girls on Fire"
Melina - http://ladylicious-blog.blogspot.com/
"Mythical Creatures"
Merlindora - http://merlindora.blogspot.com/
"Flower Power"
Mellie - http://cosmeticallyjunkfood.blogspot.com/
"Discofever", "Robots & Future"
Mimi - http://mimilicous.blogspot.com/
"Pink Flash"
Miriam - http://fraukitschmohn.tumblr.com/
"All Around Ocean/Unterwasserwelten"
miringa83 - http://machomankraller.wordpress.com/
Miss von Xtravaganz - http://missxtravaganz.blogspot.de/
"Black & White"
Miu - http://www.miutiful.de/
"Crazy", "Disney", "Girls on Fire"
Momo - http://nettemarmelade.livejournal.com/
"Cat Eyes", "Orient", "Ägypten/Egypt"
Mona - http://another-day-another-way.blogspot.com/
"Good Girl Gone Bad", "All Around Ocean/Unterwasserwelten", "Pink Flash"
Moppi - http://moppis.blogspot.de/
"Christmas", "Ugly", "Black & White", "Hollywood", "Crazy", "Disney"
Nelly - http://lillis-testblog.blogspot.com/
"Pink Flash", "Pin-up"
nihrida - http://nihrida.blogspot.com/
"Ägypten/Egypt", "All Around Ocean/Unterwasserwelten"
Nivia - http://kleinnivia.blogspot.com/
"Flower Power"
Olga - http://olgalii.blogspot.com/
"Alice in Wonderland", "Alice in Wonderland","Geisha", "Flower Power"
pinkleo - http://pinkleoley.blogspot.com/
"Paint Your Lips"
Rina - http://rinaela.blogspot.com/
"All Around Ocean/Unterwasserwelten", "All Around Ocean/Unterwasserwelten", "All Around Ocean/Unterwasserwelten"
Rina - http://coralnude.blogspot.com/
"Strawberries", "Robots & Future"
Rookie - http://lalarookie.blogspot.com/
"Mythical Creatures", "Paint Your Lips", "Good Girl Gone Bad", "All Around Ocean/Unterwasserwelten", "Be My Toy"
Roselyn - http://rosesofbeauty.blogspot.com/
"Pink Flash", "Federleicht", "Discofever", "Chocolate Time"
Roxy - http://anti-fruechtchen.blogspot.com/
Roxy - http://www.beautygrossgeschrieben.blogspot.com/
"Flower Power"
Sam - http://dunkelgefunkel.blogspot.com/
"Mythical Creatures"
Samantha - http://likesamantha.blogspot.com/
"Alice in Wonderland"
Samira - http://www.liebenswuerdig.com/
"Orient", "Good Girl Gone Bad", "All Around Ocean/Unterwasserwelten"
Sandra - http://beautykrams.blogspot.de/
"Pin-up", "Ugly"
Schmuckstueck - http://schmuckstueck.blogspot.com/
"All Around Ocean/Unterwasserwelten"
shalely - http://shalely1.blogspot.de/
"Cupcakes", "Feenstaub/Feenzauber", "Pink Flash", "Strawberries", "Harajuku"
Sophie - http://searchandfindus.blogspot.com/
"Rainbow Time","Sweet as a Peach", "Alice in Wonderland", "Flower Power", "Eiszeit/Ice Age", "Halloween"
Steffi - http://mascaraundco.blogspot.com/
"Eiszeit/Ice Age"
Steffi - http://sweetp1nky88.blogspot.com/
"All Around Ocean/Unterwasserwelten"
Steffi - http://smoke-anddiamonds.blogspot.de/
"Feenstaub/Feenzauber", "Pink Flash", "Federleicht", "Strawberries", "Discofever", "Robots & Future", "Polka Dots", "Harajuku", "Süße Früchtchen"
"Cat Eyes"
Suja - http://mrssuja.blogspot.com/
"Cat Eyes", "Orient", "Paint Your Lips"
Svea - http://soul-pictures.blogspot.com/
"Robots & Future"
Talasia - http://talasia.blogspot.com/
"Discofever", "Süße Früchtchen"
Tía - http://labios-rojos.blogspot.com/
Vampy - http://schminkwiese.blogspot.com/
"Schmetterlinge/Butterflies","Sweet as a Peach","Alice in Wonderland", "Geisha", "Golden 20s", "Circus, Circus!", "Flower Power", "Mythical Creatures", "Eiszeit/Ice Age", "Good Girl Gone Bad"
Vanessa - http://vanessaoriginals3.blogspot.com/
"Discofever", "Pin-up"
Vero - http://newiris-lavitabella.blogspot.com/
"Ägypten/Egypt", "All Around Ocean/Unterwasserwelten"
Yulivee - http://kosmetikaddicted.de/
"Wildes Afrika", "Cupcakes"
Yvi - http://knoblauchsalami.blogspot.com/
"Strawberries", "Discofever", "Robots & Future", "Pin-up"
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